Tibi means “for you” in latin, and we picked this name because we want to base our company values and our motivating factors on facilitating access to suitable pharmacological treatment for patients (both human and animal).

We want our products to be an alternative on the market, since the available products are not always the best option for all patients. This may, for example, regard to treatments for rare diseases, or alternative dosage forms for more common diseases.

When products are withdrawn from the market, sometimes due to decreasing general demand, it still leaves individual patients without valuable treatments. Tibi Pharma aims to resolve this issue by finding alternative ways to provide the products.

Shortages of products is also a real and increasing problem in the Nordics as well as in many other countries. Shortages occur for different reasons, and we aim to help healthcare solve this problem with good alternatives during these periods of shortages.    

For you, from Tibi